Goofy travel buddies (somewhere in middle Tennessee). |
I was tempted to title this post Happy Holidays given I didn’t touch base in December but you know, I can’t really say that with a full heart. Our holidays were good, but they were not without issue. At the end of our week in Indy we tallied visiting a family member in the hospital, Christmas morning in a hotel, and more clock watching and road burn than I can remember in last past 16 years. Needless to say, on the 11+ hour ride home to Atlanta in heavier than usual holiday traffic, the boys and I had a chance to replay the week as we do every year. We always talk about what went right (a lot of things, and for that I’m extremely grateful), what went wrong (a few things), and what we’ll change next year (the list grows) and our time together in the car lead to some insightful and spirited discussion.
The Kiddo and the Cutie Bug at New Years Eve b'fast. |
Instead I’ve gone with Happy, Happy New Year because that’s what we’re enjoying with our son and his sweet girlfriend; all of us back home here in Atlanta, creating new traditions and embracing our new normal. I can honestly say it’s been a happy, happy new year and as such, I’ve warned the kids I’m not letting them return to Indy when break is over. It’s been wonderful having them back under our roof and I can’t begin to imagine the quiet that will take their place in a few short days. Surely stock in Kleenex will be a wise investment decision for us in 2020.
I hope you had an amazing holiday season with those you love and that your start to 2020 is off with a bang. Here’s wishing us all a very happy, happy new year!