Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Zero Things...

 Zero things.

Not the packing…

Not the last minute checklists…

Not the watching weather in four cities…


It’s “headed back to college” eve and I’ve been a teary mess all afternoon.  We’ve had such a wonderful break and it’s been a blessing to have extended time due to classes being online.  I know I have to let him go and I know he’s ready.  Now if I could just get the message through to my heart…

Monday, February 1, 2021

A New Word of the Year...

Our word of the year for 2020 was Adventure. What a terrible choice, right? We had too much adventure last year, most all of it the wrong kind, and while we know better than to wish time away, our family has enjoyed a much needed fresh start this month.

Yet now we find ourselves here, planning the kiddo’s return to school in a few short days and my heart is aching. I’ve been blessed to have him home since December 21st and I’ll admit it, I’m spoiled.
Our word for 2021 is Impact and that’s what I feel I’ve been able to have with the kiddo home-an impact in his daily life. 2020 left him isolated, off balance, and blown a bit off course as a result. He’s been able to rest here, to ‘close both eyes’ I always joke. He’s been able to reset here. And given the state of the world, I feel like he’s been safe here.
Soon it will be too quiet here. And it will be too quiet back at school in a totally different way. This isn’t how we thrive so it all feels wrong; itchy and uncomfortable and unwanted. But we remain determined to lean into our word. The one we chose together from a long list we created, debated, and discussed at length over several days before we rang in 2021. Which means I’ve got three days to continue making memories and having a meaningful impact before I have to say ‘see you later’ and pray it’s enough to carry us all through til spring. #BuehlerLife