Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Without You...

A year ago tonight was the last time I saw my brother alive. The last time we laughed together. The last time we celebrated Christmas together. I miss you, Brett Patterson. I miss our late night drives. 

Breakfast. Phone calls… I miss all of it. #thebrett10

Friday, December 24, 2021

The Kiddo...

I'm so incredibly grateful to be able to spend time with my amazing kiddo this Christmas. He isn’t a kid anymore (and he would groan at me for saying so), but in my heart I still see this when I look at him! #ChristmasEve2021vs2002 #Build2022

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Start Living...

I’m blessed to be able to drive past the cemetery where my grandparents are buried with regularity. I often stop and chat with them, and I’m grateful they’re close by.

Since losing my brother, however, driving by has been different. I still stop every week, but I can’t lie. Seeing my brother’s grave is a harsh reminder that we aren’t all afforded a long life. That we all don’t get unlimited time to go for our dreams and take advantage of much needed second chances.
Life is fragile, friends. And there are no guarantees. If there’s something you’re settling for… If there’s something you’re not letting yourself go for… It’s likely you’re selling yourself short and wasting precious time. Don’t do that to yourself. Start living. #Build2022

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Never Say Never...

And while I didn’t need 2021 to say “hold my beer,” it certainly did just that. Never say never, friends. But more importantly, never forget that you can change and step into something bigger at any time. Never forget that you can survive your worst days and build back better. Never say never, especially about yourself! #OTL #Build2022

From this exact day last year (12/14/20)...

It was probably silly to think we’d get through December without a bit more mayhem but a girl can hope, right? Wrong. If 2020 has taught me anything it’s that things change. Plans get scotched, schedules get scrubbed, and things break.

Today has been a day of reevaluating priorities, adjusting expectations, and reframing our
holiday. And while I hoped the week would start off a bit calmer given the weekend capsized us, sadly it wasn’t meant to be.
This morning I woke to find my lemon juniper crashed on the patio and while I stood there surveying the damage, I couldn’t help but laugh. I’ve put Juni back together and she’s resting in her winter bed for the moment due to high winds and cool nights here in Atlanta but to say this scene resembles our lives at the moment would be putting it mildly.
I’m not sure I’ve ever experienced a season in life that’s needed more mending, and patching, and clean up than 2020. Sometimes it’s nothing short of overwhelming. #MayhemAllTheWayAround