Monday, May 2, 2016

We The People...

Tomorrow’s the day so let me ask you…  Do you plan to vote?  It’s the first thing on my list in the morning and I’m grateful that I live in a country where I can vote in a clean, safe place of my own free will.  I’m deeply indebted to my ancestors who fought and sacrificed of themselves so I could have such freedoms.  Yet I’m also saddened by the fact that we live in a society where everyone feels entitled to their opinion yet so many seem to do so little to earn it.  Let me explain…

When you do a bit of homework and go to the polls to vote, be it for President or city councilman, I believe you earn the right to have an opinion about how things are going in your neck of the woods.  Take me for example.  I’m loud and outspoken and if you ask me about a given topic, it’s highly likely I’ll have an opinion on the matter.  But I’ll also be the first to tell you that I vote.  Why?  Because I know my vote is my voice.  You won’t ever hear me say one of the more common excuses I hear such as “why bother” or “it doesn’t matter, they’re all crooked anyway,” or the famous “I don’t have time.”  And don’t even get me started on the “I haven’t been paying attention, I don’t care or I don’t even know who is running” crowd.  Seriously, people?  Are you living under a rock?

Do you want your voice to be heard?  Study the issues and Vote.  Do you want to put some meat behind that opinion of yours?  Study the issues and Vote.  Voting is too important for lame excuses.  Whether you fully understand the implications or not, our beloved country is struggling with HUGE problems that affect you.  Which means the bottom line is simple… 


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