Thursday, April 2, 2020

Reach Out!

I'm hearing about how hard this is from a lot of folks. How fear and uncertainty and boredom, not from a lack of things to do but from a lack of knowing where to start, is creeping in and sometimes taking over. Whatever you're feeling, you ARE NOT alone. You may be sitting there looking at a screen by yourself, but YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Social distancing does not have to equal emotional distancing. Take a moment and read that again. Social distancing DOES NOT HAVE TO equal emotional distancing. If you don't where to start today, consider reaching out to someone and starting a simple conversation. And if you don't feel you have anyone you can reach out to... If you don't know where to start... Reach out to me and I will meet you in the middle of the mayhem and we'll sit together until you feel like you can begin again.  #KeepGoing #BuehlerLIfe

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