Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Learn, Adapt, Adjust...

I’m certain I was full of good intentions and boundless energy a mere 31 days ago--ready and willing to embrace the new year with gusto.  Yet as January has dragged on, I feel like it's pulled me right along with it.
  • My brother wasn’t supposed to have his life turned upside down by depression.
  • My nephew wasn’t supposed to be riddled with panic attacks.
  • My husband wasn’t supposed to be saddled with eighty-hour work weeks for a second year in a row.
  • My son’s dog wasn’t supposed to die. 
I was watching television last night and I saw an ad for a new show, The Wheel, and honest to goodness I laughed out loud.  It looks like contestants get dropped off in a hostile environment and just when they figure out how to survive the Sahara, Rainforest, Swamp, Tundra…  the wheel spins and off they go to the next extreme locale; underprepared and ill-equipped, forced to learn, adapt and adjust.  Hmm.  I hate to break it to Hollywood but I don’t think we needed a tv show for that.  Around here we’re beginning to call that type of adventure a day in the life.

What I’ve learned in the first 31 days of this new year is that life doesn’t stop to check our calendar or measure the margin in our schedule or take in to account that sometimes we just need a break.  And a nap.  The wheel spins when it spins and we have two choices...  We can jump or we can hang on for the ride.

January has been a roller coaster ride that has pushed and pulled and reshaped our family in ways we’re still discovering but we’re holding on to each other, and those we love, and we’re moving forward together.  And we're praying for a calmer February.

“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate.  And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow.”  Shauna Niequist, Bittersweet (Zondervan Press)


  1. I love your posts and your honesty in sharing the real life! As one who has suffered from depression since I was a child, I know how it can steal from you! I love y'all and I'm always here for you and Brett!!! BBB

    1. I adore you. We're coming to see everyone in July so get ready for a HUGE hug!
