Have you ever been so sick you tell yourself you're never going to feel good again? That you're never going to get well? Yeah, that's where I was earlier today. I've been stuck at home this week and I've missed out on a lot of things because I've had no choice but to clear my calendar. I know for some of you that sounds heavenly but for my energy type, it's pure punishment. I'm the girl that can't stay in her jammies past 6a (trust me, I've tried). That can't nap (even when I need to) unless it's Sunday afternoon. The one that has a hard time slowing down (if only I had a dollar for every time I heard that advice)! With all of these thoughts bouncing through my aching brain while I was waiting for a chest X-ray this morning, I managed to throw myself a pretty spectacular pity party.
Fast forward a few hours (and three new meds) later and party clean up has brought some much needed clarity. I'm grateful I'm not worse because for some that isn't the case (I need to get over myself). I'm grateful for quality medical care (complete with stupid forms and boring waits) because for some that isn't the case. But most of all, guys, I'm grateful for you. I'm blessed beyond measure and it's all because of so many of you. You guys amaze me.
Thank you for lifting me up this week and for being awesome! Thank you for caring and for taking time to reach out. Thank you for notes and texts and soup and fresh fruit and for homemade whoopie pies (forget I mentioned those because I can't share, I have germs)! I promise I'm on the mend and I'll be back in action soon, which means it's time to reschedule our plans. And there's a bonus... When we get together we'll get to go right to the front of the line because when I start hacking, people run! #NotContagious #StillNeedToDitchTheHeadache
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