learned a long time ago to tread softly when editing the kiddos’ writing.
Whether it's a thesis statement, a report or a closing argument for mock trial,
which was the case this morning, I'm quick to remember less is far more in
terms of red slashes where my son is concerned. Planting red on the page too
quickly will most likely lead to missing a larger connection a sentence or two
down the road. He's a storyteller and he tends to write like he speaks.
shared my honest opinion, which was overall quite favorable, and asked if he
would please go back and reread the sentence containing the word coherent. When he looked at me and grinned, I knew I
had him.
a little off there, isn’t it?” He asked.
think you meant cohesive (united and working together effectively),” I offered.
exactly what I meant!” He beamed. “Isn’t that the way of life? So often we mean one thing yet we say
we ever, sweetie. Do we ever.